Messages from Diverse Sources
Friday, March 29, 2024
You Are the Jewels of the Lord
Message from Our Lady Queen to Myriam Corsini in Carbonia, Sardinia, Italy on March 20, 2023

In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
The Most Holy Trinity blesses you.
I the Blessed Virgin. I am here on this Hill, together with you.
I love you infinitely My children, I want to give you Heavenly Things, I want to embrace you in My Breast, trust in God's help.
Do not give up, go forward, the time is concluded you are now close to entering the New Era.
Beloved children, in this time great painful manifestations will begin in the world, so that man may open his eyes and repent.
God the Father Almighty will send the warning before the times, He will do so precisely to save several souls.
You cannot continue at this rate, in wickedness, man is creating great suffering. God created man to be love, to be light, to be jubilant, but man has lost himself in the jaws of the devil, allowed himself to be taken in, to be stuffed with evil, to defy his God, to take the side of God's enemy.
Beloved My children, oh you who firmly believe in this mission and are carrying out this Work, you will be rewarded by your Lord Jesus Christ, you will be placed at His right hand, you will be crowned together with Him, with glory!!! I will always be with you and always carry you with Me.
You are the jewels of the Lord, you are the light of His eyes, you are those who in faithfulness and love have kept His commands and given your whole yes by weeping and sweating blood together with Him, in this mission. You have been mocked, killed by the same brothers, by the same family members, but in your hearts was a great seal, greater than the mockeries of the world, went forward in the hope that the Lord would soon intervene.
You blessed those who were hurting you, those who hated you, for the choice you had made to follow this mission.
Taken for fools! Slapped and spat on by everyone, you have overcome those trials, and now there will be others, and, you will always need My help to go on.
I will be by your side, I will challenge the world, together with you I will challenge the enemies, together we will fight them and overcome them.
Behold the Lord God has sent Me to complete this saving mission that will be victorious together with His Children, those whom the Lord has called to Himself and holds close to Himself in His Most Sacred Heart.
Those who will set foot on this Hill, with conviction and with certainty that this is the Lord's call, will be made worthy in the eyes of God! ...But whoever shall have set his feet on this Hill, and shall have denied the Lord, and come to mock this mission shall be cast out into Hell!
My children, here I am, I am here among you always, until the end I will be at your side.
My beloved ones, soon you will see Me, I will come with My Son Jesus, I will open the doors of this Grotto, a light will expand to the great, everything will shine in this place, and the doors will open to the New Era.
Always trust in the Lord, have faith, that faith that moves mountains; go forth and love each other as true brothers in Christ Jesus.
I hold you close to My Immaculate Heart.
I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
Source: ➥